Well the last post is not really fun, actually.
In fact it cost me couple minutes of crying.
I do try not to cry in the office but hey,
I'm just an ordinary woman who need to cry when it's needed to.
Luckily, it was lunch time so nobody knows I was crying.
And it ruins not only my heart, but also my eyeliner.

Well, yesterday I found it was too hard to bear alone
So I contacted my friend, let's call her 'Phoenix'
And I messaged her while crying
I told her what had happened, and she gave me a surprise
That she is also suffer the same thing, even her bf told her the same thing Omi told me.

Then, I posted yesterday's post
And to my surprise again, my another friend, PopNote, posted a comment
Telling me that he suffer the same thing too.
He and her gf broke up just few days ago, on her gf birthday.
Same thing ruined their relationship: Less Communication.
It just doesn't make sense for me because he is a very calm person
Well, yeah he is not that talkative, but there is a big difference between 'Ignorant' and 'Calm'! Okay, calm down.

And after those crying thing I did, suddenly my stomach aches so much and making me cried again in pain.
It feels like my stomach stretched so much and like my intestines is going to explode, really hurt
So I go home early from work (to Bekasi again)
And well, the doctor told me that I'm suffering typhus symptoms
Pretty surprised me, but I feel pretty much better with all the medications.

And, not only the typhus symptoms,  my heart also feels much better.
Because the Phoenix told me "Hey girl, where's your frickin' power?! Oh come oooon, You're the Storm of X-Men and I'm the Phoenix! Let's bomb this world if we need to!"
And PopNote texted me, "No! A man should never said such a thing to his girlfriend! It's not acceptable! Be strong, Lev."

Maybe I'm wrong.
Well, even though he's really gonna dump me
I'm not that lonely.
Tons of friends is there for me, right? ;)

Comments (4)

On June 11, 2012 at 10:56 PM , Priscilla Valentania said...

you know what to do big girl :)

On June 11, 2012 at 11:02 PM , Levy Valeria said...

:D I do :D We're both know what to do :D

On June 12, 2012 at 1:42 AM , agung rangga said...

ayo semangat leviii~~~ :D
dan, get well soon~ ;)

On June 12, 2012 at 5:13 AM , Levy Valeria said...

yeaaaah! fight fight fight! :)