Woaaaahahahhah ready for another dive-in, Trees? *yeah, like anyone read your post.
Sooo, now the 3rd of February 2012. What do you guys do?

Me? Now I'm hangin' out at the super comfy J.CO Donuts & Coffee @ Giant Harapan Indah!
Really, I just realised the comfortable atmoshpere here, with a super delicious donut I'm chewing now, and sips of Hot Cappucino Cherry (which taste VERY good. It's like drinking liquid Black Forest ya know. haha)

Yeaaa super comfy spot! J.CO is seriously gonna be my 3rd sweet spot to hangout.

Well don't be suspicious of what the screen contain. It's not porn, believe me.

Hahahhaha I made myself looks like an idiot which visits J.CO for the first time in my life.

Soo, whatta you Banana Trees going to do foor weekend? Would love to know! Aaand don't forget to follow me on Twitter @sweetsonK ! *yea, like ANYONE reading your blog anyway.

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