MUHAHAHAHAHAH return again after that Late-To-School incident, Banana Trees! XDDDD

Aaaaiiight so, today is 28 February 2012, 19.48 PM, Location: J.CO Donuts & Coffee, Giant H.I
(To tell you the Hot Cappucino Cherry is THE GREATEST.)

Ya know guys, to notice that today is 28th February, that tells me the reality that:

1. The School final exam is going to be held in 12 days, and
2. The NATIONAL EXAM (yeah that b*tch) in about 47 days.


Not that I am not ready yet, but it's just that UNKNOWINGLY I BECAME TOOOO RELAAAAX~~~

HOW COULD THAT HAPPENED?!?!??! oh for God sake Levy this is your turning point in life!

No man, no. It's not that I am too relax or taking it SO easy, it is just that I AM TOO MOODY.
(you guys know moody, right? yeah, moody mood pecker.) <--- lame.

Dear, even though tomorrow I'm having a math test (for example), if I am not in the mood to study or at least, reading the notes I've written, I will not EVEN touch the book. Hell no.
That's what happened when you are a girl, especially when you are in your period. SICK.

(Heck, another insomnia is coming tonight.)

I think I need to go home.

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