Wooohooo hectic, crazy, fun, tiring, inspiring organization-themed days has ended, viewers!
Oookay it is time for me to say 'Au Revoir' to my organization-themed days.
To my beloved Japanese Club, Mugiwara Nippon Juu Kurabu!
To my beloved Student Council of SMAN 10 Bekasi!
To my position as the Main Secretary back in MNJK!
To my position as S5 officer in Student Council!


Can you audiences believe that?? Even I myself cannot!

I've let go of my position, the Main Secretary of MNJK's 2nd batch to the 3rd batch. It is easy, and uneasy at the same time to let go.
Why easy? Hey humans, I'm facing the National Exam on 16th April 2012, the final locked gateway to College life. And unlocking the door isn't easy, I need to study, I have to focus for that upcoming exams and try-outs, so I have to let go for any activity distracting or eating up my time.
And why uneasy? Come oooooon, I've been contributing my time and few parts of my life to my organizations. I've tasted the bitter and the sweet, the happy and the sad, the laugh and the tears. It is always uneasy for letting go something you love.

It's like just about one day passed after my seniors from the 1st batch given me and my partners (Yoda, Subhan, Adi, Hanifan, Yunas, Lina) the position as the main officers in MNJK. Then, it's feels like we officiate just for a flash!
Audiences, that is unbelievable for me. The one year time feels very short, everything just flows between me and my partners, and now it's our time to let go. (Damn it, I think I'm going to tear up) 

Here's the 2nd Batch of MNJK Main Officers List:

Head (Kaichoo) : Yoda Dwi Cahya
1st Captain (Ichi No Gichoo) : Subhan Zainal Abidin
2nd Captain (Ni No Gichoo) : Kurnia Adi Purnama
1st Secretary (Ichi No Hishoo) : Levi Dhaifani Luthfillah
2nd Secretary (Ni No Hishoo) : Hanifan Satria
1st Chamberlain (Ichi No Kaikei) : Muhammad Yunas Fitra
2nd Chamberlain (Ni No Kaikei) : Kristina Natalina

Yeah hahaha LOL just two girls among the Pirate Crew! XD
And now, we're already let those position go.
The Main Officer Batch 2

To tell you guys, what I've did during those time in this high school....
Is priceless.
Is worth every piece.
Is memorable, carved deeply in my mind and heart.

I made a thousand improvement, if you humans ever know.

I always possess a position in best 5 in my class (from the 1st grade until now)
I was selected as trainee for the Biology Olympiad
I've been a Semi-Finalist in English Thinking Skill (with my friends @YYogas and @govalent. Go check her blog http://www.govalent.blogspot.com !)
I've been an officer for the Student Council for 2 and a half years
I've done my job as a Secretary for the Plenary Meeting (OSIS), MNJK, and for Basic Leadership Training for Students (OSIS) succesfully.
I've improved from a low profiled girl into a known girl between many people in my school.
I've learned how to speak out loud, how to be 'daring', how to be brave, how to be a hard worker.

I've beaten peoples who looked down on me.

That's f*cking arrogant :p

But if I don't say goodbye, there's gonna be another people saying 'Hello', right?

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